Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chapter 3: Make It Work

"Make it work" is a phase that Tim Gunn says frequently on the TV show Project Runway 

From now on, all my comments (author notes) will be in bold. So anything all in bold is me talking. If I use like one or two bold words, that is just for emphasize. My comments will be ALL in bold. Back to the story.

After feeling pretty crappy for a day or two, Amora decided to take a pregnancy test, just to rule out pregnancy. She was shocked to see the positive results. She really wanted children but she had always thought it would be after she was married and further in her career.

I mean I’m already an advice columnist working my way up. I think I can support a child, especially if Zach helps. Oh. Zach. What will he say?

When Zach arrived home, Amora waited till he was comfortable to tell him the news.

“I’m pregnant.”

“Really? I have always wanted kids. Right now isn’t the perfect time for us but I know that we can do it if we work together!”

Over the next couple of months, Amora worked hard even with her growing belly. She was relaxing but writing a lot. Zach got a job and began collecting things as a source of income.

They were finally able to expand the house more and even bought a neutral colored crib because they didn’t want to know the gender until the baby was born.
Zach was at home when she started but had to leave during..

Amora went into labor while Zach was at work so she decided to give birth at home. After a couple of hours, Amora gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

“I’m gonna name you Penelope after my mother”

So Penelope is actually named after Penelope Garcia, the technical analyst from Criminal Minds. That being said, Criminal Minds is the TV show theme for generation 1. The generation trait is self-assured, FBI profilers and analysts are very confident in their abilities. In addition, each child will dress in a similar or the same style as their name sake.

Our Penelope rolled the Artistic Prodigy aspiration and rolled the loner trait. Self-assured isn't available yet so I guess she will get it when she becomes a Teenager. 

“When my royalty checks come in, I will get you a proper room my little Penelope.”

True to her word, Amora had a small child’s room built and decorated. In addition, she had actual rooms built for each area of the house (kitchen, bedroom and bathroom).

When Zach arrived home, he went straight to meet his daughter.

Shes perfect.

Like every new parent, Zach and Amora spent most of their time dotting after their little girl.

Penelope gets her name sake makeover next chapter.

Time seemed to fly by for the new parents because before they knew it, Penelope had grown up into a young child.

-End of Chapter-

Sorry, it is short. I am WAY farther ahead in game so I'm trying to catch up. Next Chapters will be named after Criminal Mind quotes, episodes names, etc.

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