Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Special

This chapter is just for thanksgiving and only adds a bit to the regular story line.

-start of special-

It was Thanksgiving Day and Amora had already set up a Table and decorations. She was excited to have everyone over and celebrate a wonderful holiday together.

As Amora started preparations for the thanksgiving night dinner, the boys spent the morning eating a delicious breakfast and talking about thanksgiving plans.

"I can't wait to see Penelope! I miss her alot and cant wait to hear how everything is going!" Reid exclaimed.

"I can't wait for mom's food! She literally makes the best food ever!" Hotcher said as he finished his breakfast.

"You and food, Hotchner. I'm inviting Abbey so I can't wait for mother to meet her!" Reid said,

"Is Abbey pretty?" Hotcher asked.

"Yes but not everything is looks, Hotchner. She is funny, smart and is very kind" Reid replied,

"I bet she is." Hotchner said as he got ready to leave the kitchen.

Amora was very busy in the kitchen. She was working on an excellent Turkey dinner and she even tried her hand at making a very difficult Baked Alaskan.

She actually did make an excellent baked alaska but she put it on the floor afterwords so I dont have a picture.

The table and food was ready, all that was needed was to invite the guests.

Reid called Abbey and Penelope over for the dinner. While Hotchner and Amora worked more on preprations

Reid greeted Abbey who was the first person to arrive.

"Hey, Abbey! Thanks for coming! I'm so glad you could make it!" Reid said excitedly.

"Hey, I couldnt pass up on some wonderful food. You said your mother's food was to die for!" Abbey replied with a big grin.

Amora greeted their other guest, her daughter Penelope.

"I'm so happy you could come over, dear! I miss you a lot and I hope everything is well!" Amora said.

"Everything is good. I got a job in the mixology career and I'm doing good. I miss you guys alot too!" Penelope replied.

All the guests enjoyed listening to some great music!

"He, where is Hotchner?" Amora asked.

"He is making some drinks!" Reid replied.

"So as soon as I leave, I get replaced?" Penelope joked.

"Well, someone had to do it" Reid replied jokingly.

Once everyone was hungry, Amora called everyone to the table to eat.

"Mrs. Telly, This food is absoultly perfect! Its wonderful!" Abbey replied as she stuffed her face.

"Thank you. I want only the best for my family." Amora gushed.

Family? I guess she really likes me. Abbey thought as she began to blush.

"Well, I'm thankful that I can celebrate Thanksgiving with my wonderful and amazing family! I wouldn't have it any other way." Penelope said, interrupting the slience.

"I'm grateful and thankful to have 3 beautiful, smart and talented children. I love you all and I'm thankful to share my food with a special guest as well," Amora said afterwords,

"I'm thankful for my family, my friends and all the books in the world." Reid added.

"Of course, you are thankful for books. Anyways, I'm thankful for family, food, and to be surrounded by lovely ladies!" Hotchner added.

"I'm thankful for being invited to a lovely thanksgiving with a lovely family. I'm glad you guys have accepted me and let me share such a personal time with you guys! Thank you!" Abbey concluded.

The first Telly Family thanksgiving was a huge success!

-the end of special-

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