Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chapter 1: Ordinary Girl

A/N: From now on, most of the title of the chapters will be TV theme song titles, TV quotes, etc. (I will include what TV show it is from at the beginning of each chapter). In addition, I am apologizing in advance for some of the pictures. Many of them have plumbobs and walls down. This will be fixed by Chapter 3 (all my pictures so far have some plumbobs and walls down). Also, I will switch styles after this chapter because I dont think I can keep up with a story-style legacy and my school work.

"Ordinary Girl" is the theme song for the TV show Clueless (which was a spin-off of the movie).

Amora looked at her huge plot of land and what little she owned. If she was gonna be a best-seller author and raise a family, she needed something nicer. So, Amora picked up her phone and called a taxi to take her to the local library.

The library is packed. I didn't think many people would be at the library on a Monday afternoon, she thought as she made her way in. Seeing that all the computers were taken, Amora made her way to the bookshelves and picked up the first book about writing she could find.

Amora took the book into the small kid's room so she could read in the calming silence of the kid's room. After getting through the first couple chapters, she noticed that a computer was open. Amora grabbed the opportunity and sat down at the open computer.

"First things first, I need to find a job as a writer. I'll check for any job openings", she mumbled to herself as she began typing.

Hmm, there's a job opening as a writer's assistant. I thought with my BA in English, I would get a better job offer. I guess I was wrong.  

Amora looked up from her monitor and noticed all the people around her talking. She decided to join in the conversation. The conversation didn't last long when Don started flirting with everyone. Amora took that chance to leave. She wanted to make friends but she was exhausted and she started her new job the next day.

When she arrived home, Amora's stomach began to growl. I guess it's time for dinner then, she thought as she started to cook a grilled cheese sandwich.

As she took a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich, Amora remembered how her mother used to cook her grilled cheese sandwiches after school everyday. I miss her and her cooking.

After finishing up her dinner, Amora pulled out the new Sims Times best-seller, The Profiler. She was engrossed by every single word on the page, it captivated her like no other book had before. I want to write like this, I want to be able to captivate my readers. Knowing she had to work the next day, Amora began getting ready for bed.

That night, Amora dreamed of The Profiler as well as her dreams of becoming a best-selling author. One step at a time and she would be there.

The next morning, Amora woke up smiling because it was first day of work. She was excited and she couldn't wait to prove that she had what it took to be an author, By the end of the day, her boss was very pleased with her performance and told her that she "has great potential" and he decided to promote her to a blogger. With her promotion, her boss gave her a computer of her own. Amora was finally able to write in the comfort of her own home.

Amora spent the whole next day writing on her new computer. She felt more confident as a writer with every new word she wrote. She stay up all night working on her posts as a blogger and she even started her own book, TV and Me: A Collection of Short Stories.

The next day, Amora arrived home from work hungry, exhausted and stressed. She couldnt even manage to celebrate her current promotion. All her hard work from yesterday paid off because her boss promoted her again. Amora was now a freelance article writer. With her new promotion, she was able to have builders come over.

She finally had a physical roof over her head and her own closed off space. She was happy. It't not much but it's a great beginning. 

Every great story started off as a simple beginning


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